sabato 7 gennaio 2012

Excellent Presentation Samples – Présumé, Nonprofit and Holiday

Excellent Presentation Samples – Présumé, Nonprofit and Holiday

We're constantly impressed with the new and diverse presentation samples popping up on Twitter. Whether you're trying to close a sale, do outreach for a nonprofit, create an annual report, develop an academic presentation, or distinguish yourself in the job search, there are a host of samples out there to provide a bit of inspiration. What better way to showcase these winning techniques than to highlight a few of these standout presentations.

As always, we like to highlight presentations from a diverse set of authors, from professional designers to non-designers, and from big budget shops to boot-strappers. Sometimes the entire presentation will rock, other times we'll pick out noteworthy elements such as the imagery, storyline, transitions/effects, music or use of video. And we always invite you to provide comments and share links to your own presentation samples.

Présumé Presentation: Hire Me eh

This Marketing Director's resume presentation ('Présumé') demonstrates his business development, design, and product branding skills better than any black and white 8.5" X 11" ever could, not to mention his great sense of humor. With multiple graphic elements in gear as well as music, voice clips, and builds on each slide, he's achieved a complex design without treading into the realm of over-busy. To that end, he's made a great decision to forgo auto-advancing of the slides and allow the viewer to absorb and click onward at their own pace, and his consistency in design from slide to slide is key.

Holiday Presentation: The Installer Who Stole Christmas

In this self-confessed ripoff of the Dr. Seuss' celebrated Grinch tale, Moore Solutions, an independent office furniture rep firm, taps into the child in each of us, interweaving well-known superheroes and Star Wars characters among the sophisticated product lines they market. The well-paced slides feature engaging photos that hold the audience's attention fully through text and audio content that, albeit comical, might otherwise have felt lengthy. The page turn transitions really add to the storytelling feel. After all the standard holidays cards have been sent to the recycling bin, this one stays in mind.

Outreach Presentation: Hoshyar Foundation

The power of this compelling outreach presentation by the non-profit Hoshyar Foundation lies not only in its inspirational message, but also in its technical design. The images selected are nothing short of stunning and add a degree of realism that truly immerses the viewer in the presentation visually and emotionally, and the effective use of 'builds' and varying font size give the concise text a greater impact. The videos and music selected add just the right sobering, yet hopeful touch.

We're looking forward to seeing more of your presentation samples on Twitter! Share yours and you may see it featured here!

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Must See Google Plus Presentation from Zenslide

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