venerdì 17 febbraio 2012

Trust Tip Video: Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Taken

Trust Tip Video: Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Taken

We all spend an awful lot of time, money and effort trying to convince others of our attributes. We want them to see us as we imagine that we want to be seen.

We underestimate the power of doing exactly the opposite – letting people see us just as we are.

That's what this week's Trust Tip video is about.

For more on the general subject of authenticity and honesty, look at Trust, Honesty and Authenticity, a blogpost from two years ago.

If you like the Trust Tip Video series, and you like our occasional eBooks, why not subscribe to make sure you get both? Every 2-4 weeks we'll send you selected high-quality content. To subscribe, click here, or go to


Many Trusted Advisor programs now offer CPE credits.  Please call Tracey DelCamp for more information at 856-981-5268–or drop us a note @

This post was written by Charles H. Green
Charles H. Green is founder and CEO of Trusted Advisor Associates LLC; read more about Charlie at can follow him on twitter @CharlesHGreen

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A comparison of mind mapping apps for the iPad

A comparison of mind mapping apps for the iPad

A comparison of mind mapping apps for the iPad

How do the mind mapping apps for the iPad compare with each other? Here is a visual analysis, in the form of a chart, which compares price vs. functionality, and what that translates into in terms of potential value to you. The larger the circle, the greater the program's value. Please click on the image to view a larger version of this chart.

Ideally, you want a low-cost (or free) app with lots of functionality. That yields a lot of value. But don't discount the higher-priced mind mapping apps in this chart, because even the highest-priced one is only US$15.99 – still a bargain!

What can we learn from this chart? First, there are many developers fighting for the lowest end of the market – low-cost apps that do just basic topics connected by lines, and not much more. If they don't at least offer text notes and hypertext links, they're not worth your time, in my opinion.

Next, there is a cluster of apps in the mid-range of functionality, in the price range of US6-8.They offer a bit more functionality, at a slightly higher price than the low-end programs.

Finally, at the high end of the market are apps like iThoughtsHD, iBlueSky, MindMeister and DropMind, which provide an excellent level of functionality for a reasonable price. Mindjet stands alone as a supplier of a fully-featured mind mapping app that is giving it away for free – part of its mission to spread visual mapping to a much larger audience of users, who may some day purchase its MindManager desktop mind mapping program and Connect online workspace service.

What do you think of this analysis? Is this something I should repeat for other segments of the mind mapping software market?

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martedì 14 febbraio 2012

Back-to-Basics: 1 - What is a Presentation?

Back-to-Basics: 1 - What is a Presentation?

Back-to-Basics is a series of posts where I am going to revisit the basics of making a presentation. The outcome of this series is a step by step guide of making any presentation.

What is a Presentation?
At first I felt weird asking such a question. Then I realised it was not a bad place to start. When you talk of basics, this a great place to begin. So what is a presentation? Think for a while...A presentation is a person talking to a group of people? A presentation is a bunch of slides?

In my view, "a presentation is a communication with an objective." Note the following in my definition: 1. There is no mention of slides. A presentation can be made with or without slides. 2. Presentation is a form of communication. This basically means a presentation is an exchange of information (communication) between two sides. 3. There has to be an objective. Any exchange of information is not a presentation.

A teacher taking a class is a presentation. Giving a speech is a presentation. Pitching to a venture capitalist in the boardroom is also a presentation. Every form of communication wherein two sides are involved and there is a purpose is a 'presentation'.

Are all Presentations similar?
All kinds of presentations are similar. Their goals may differ, their settings might differ but there is a common DNA which runs through every presentation. I had mentioned about it sometime before on the blog. Here is a new and revised version of the same.

There are 7 elements of every presentation. 
  1. You (the presenter)
  2. You have a goal (for example, you want to sell a flat to prospective customers)
  3. To achieve the goal you go to your audience (customers)
  4. You give them what they want/expect. You solve a problem or address an issue.
  5. You want the audience to do something (action). In the first meeting you want them to get interested in the project. In the second or third meeting, your goal can be to get them give you the money.
  6. In order to achieve the goal, you need to say something to your audience. This is your content. You talk about the great location and a reputed builder. Not to forget the lake view from the balcony.
  7. How you say is the style. Do you use slides or not? Do you personally go and talk or just email the slides? How do you take the audience through the content? Do you share a handout? This is called the design (slide design) and delivery stage.
That's about it. Every presentation you come across will need you to look at these 7 elements. Spend time figuring each of these out and you will do a better job of the presentation. To summarise, you have to answer these questions before you start preparing for any presentation.
  1. Who is the presenter?
  2. What is your goal?
  3. Who is your audience? (understand them in detail)
  4. What does your audience want? What problem are you solving?
  5. What do you want the audience to do after your presentation?
  6. What will you say to the audience? (so that they do what you want them to do)*
  7. How will you say what you want to say?**
* This is your content and ** this is your design (slide design) and delivery

I call this THE CONTEXT of a presentation.

Since this concept is new I will cover it in a bit more detail. Go back to your last presentation and figure out the 7 elements. My last presentation was a workshop I conducted for under-graduate students. Let me present to you the 7 elements:

  1. Who is the presenter? Vivek Singh, the presentations blogger. I was there because I am a presentations expert. I was not there as a marketing manager (which is my full time role). I had only one image to portray to the audience.
  2. What is your goal? My goal was very simple. First, make students realise the importance of presentations in their career. Second, teach them a step-by-step guide to making any presentation and also share with them common mistakes which most presenters make.
  3. Who is your audience? My audience was under-graduate students who are studying commerce and management. I spent a lot of time understanding how many presentations the students make. I even interacted with their teacher to find out how good they are at making presentations and what mistakes they commit. What to say and how to say depends on who your audience is.
  4. What does the audience want/expect? What problem are you solving? I knew that every student wanted to become better at presentations but most of them do not have the time or interest to research and study on their own. So I taught them something useful and easy to apply within two and a half hours.
  5. What do you want the audience to do after your presentation? They must feel motivated to use the techniques taught in the workshop. They must use the checklist I gave them (as a handout) and apply it to the next presentation they make. I gave the handout because it makes their job of remembering and applying what I taught easier.
  6. What will you say to the audience? (Content) I was clear on what my goal was. I understood what my audience needs were; "give us useful stuff but do not bore us." It should be easy to remember and easy to apply. This helped me shape the content. What to say and what to ignore. Since I wanted to teach less and make my content memorable and understandable, I chose to use lots of examples. I also kept summarizing as I went along.
  7. How will you say? (Design and Delivery) I decided to use slides as I needed to show them examples of good and bad slides. I also decided to give a handout. The handout captures the basic lesson of the entire workshop. They can use it the next time they present. I also rehearsed many times so that I feel confident and finish my content well within the time allocated.

In the next post, I will discuss why these 7 elements make you a better presenter. Why you must spend time and figure out answers to these 7 questions and then jump onto the computer and start making your slides. As of now, just remember one thing. The first step to making your presentation is to answer these 7 questions.

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The Visual Thinking Revolution is Here!

The Visual Thinking Revolution is Here!

We are in the midst of a "Visual Thinking Revolution" and leaders in all types of organizations are embracing visual thinking as a literacy of the future.

Source: MBA Career Service Professionals (click to enlarge)

This revolution's "tipping point" came earlier this year at the International Forum for Visual Practitioners annual conference, which drew 100 visual practitioners from across the globe. The panel I moderated with Business Models Inc. CEO Patrick van der Pijl and Doodle Revolution's Sunni Brown kicked off the conference with an expansive discussion on the future of visual thinking. Captured by three different graphic recorders in real time, we explored 10 significant external forces that are fueling the Visual Thinking Revolution:

  1. We live in an increasingly VUCA world. Vulnerable, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. Each day we're bombarded with too much noise and not enough signal. Visual thinking helps us break down complex problems into simple pictures (Thank you, Dan Roam for showing us the way to make ideas come alive on the back of a napkin!)
  2. Advances in neuroscience and fMRI technology demonstrate that our brains are more creative and imaginative when operating under reward vs. threat conditions. If you want to create reward conditions that encourage participation, use simple, welcoming, hand-drawn pictures that everyone can understand. Want to create threat conditions? Hefty text-driven, data-filled, bullet-pointed PowerPoint presentations should get you there in no time.
  3. Best selling authors are codifying their "magic". Thanks to Nancy Duarte's bestselling Slide:ology and Resonate, Dan Roam's Back of the Napkin books and Blah, Blah, Blah, and Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur's Business Model Generation we're creating a whole new leadership discipline around visual storytelling and visual modeling in service of business and innovation.
  4. Technology gives us exciting new tools. Wide adoption of touch screen tablets and accompanying apps enable easy, real-time, visual capture and sharing of ideas. Some app recommendations include: Adobe Ideas, Sketchbook Pro, Bamboo Paper, Penultimate, Art Set.
  5. Viral channels spread the word—and pictures. Millions of animated RSA videos were watched and shared in 2011, with the TED talks by Sir Ken Robinson and Dan Pink on creativity and innovation converting even the most left-brained thinkers to the power of visual communication.
  6. Mainstream media catches on. Beyond traditional supporters like Fast Company, 2011 saw coverage in mainstream journalism, with stories on visual thinking featured in Harvard Business Review, The Washington Post and CNN.
  7. New sources of talent and training proliferate. Sensing a growing demand for visual skills, new kinds of training are popping up, ranging from one-day workshops, such as "Introduction to Graphic Recording" to online seminars and virtual learning.
  8. "Design Mania" becomes a movement. With no end in site for the excitement surrounding design as a strategic competence, visual thinking is riding the coattails of IDEO and Stanford's d. school, which have pimped the value of Sharpies and post-its.
  9. New investors and incubators emerge. Design-based angel funds and start-up incubators are catching the visual-thinking fever, realizing that superb customer experience may trump over-hyped technology. It's no secret that a napkin sketch is the ultimate low-res prototype.
  10. New audiences arise. Perhaps most significant, is the demand and excitement expressed by new audiences. Visual thinking is NOT just for artists. It's for business people, entrepreneurs, NGOs, government leaders, teachers, kids. Nor is it just a Western phenomena; visual thinking is going global, from Asia to Africa to South America. Wherever you find good ideas and stories to tell, you'll find visual thinking.

If you're still not convinced that the Visual Thinking Revolution has arrived, what could be better proof than the Saturday Night Live parody of the visual thinking-inspired UPS commercial.

Looking forward, we can expect that each of these emerging trends will only get stronger. The world will be more complex and overwhelming. Adaption of new technologies will accelerate. Companies will continue to chase growth in the midst of new competitors and customer demands. People will seek out communicative leaders who can help us feel safe, grounded, understood and inspired in the midst of all of this noise and uncertainty. The question is who among us will be the first to embrace the full potential of visual thinking as individual and organizational catalysts for leading innovation and change, helping make our work more meaningful and productive.

At this time of year when we when we have made promises to do things differently— eat healthier, hit the gym more— how about also resolving to wield a marker in service of communicating new ideas and possibilities? It doesn't matter if you think you "can't draw;" visual thinking isn't about artistic ability, but about passion for innovation and change. The revolution is calling: pick up your pen and change the world!

Lisa Kay Solomon is a guest contributor to the Duarte Blog. Lisa is an adjunct professor for the California College of the Art's new MBA in Design Strategy. She teaches visual thinking as a mandatory literacy for innovation leaders of the future as part of her Innovation Studio course.

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Nick Morgan Explains How To Give A Presentation That Changes The World

Nick Morgan Explains How To Give A Presentation That Changes The World

Episode #292 of Six Pixels of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast is now live and ready for you to listen to.

When I got my first offer to speak in front of a large audience, I wasn't sure where to turn for more professional public speaking and presentation skills training. Many names of individuals and organizations were fed my way, but one name that kept rising to the top was Nick Morgan. I immediately purchased his book, Give Your Speech, Change The World, and it did - in fact - change my world and perception of what a presentation is really all about. I eagerly bought his other book, Trust Me, and have become not only a fan of his every move (which isn't as creepy as it sounds), but also of his Blog, Public Words. In the marketing world, the best ideas don't always win. One of the main reasons is because they're not presented well (in essence, a poor presentation can kill the best of ideas). Being a great presenter is a core capability of some of the most respected business leaders and marketing professionals we've seen to date. Nick Morgan knows how to get you there. Just take a listen. Enjoy the conversation...

You can grab the latest episode of Six Pixels of Separation here (or feel free to subscribe via iTunes): Six Pixels of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast #292.


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How to be Confident on Stage

How to be Confident on Stage

Confidence is key. We've heard that phrase over and over again, and there's certainly truth in it. A lack of confidence will sink your presentation before it's even begun. Listening to someone give a presentation with no confidence is awkward, and feeling embarrassed for someone else is uncomfortable. Don't make your audience squirm. Be confident, even if underneath your callused outer shell you're as fragile as an egg. Fake it until you make it, and until you do, use these tips to help you be confident on stage.

To begin with, show up early and dressed in your Sunday best. There's nothing worse than being late or nearly late to an important appointment. Give yourself time to arrive to the venue, sit down, breathe and relax before you start. If you don't consciously set aside time to get there early, you're going to be speeding around in traffic, swearing to yourself, sweating profusely, increasing your heart rate, and stressing yourself out to the max. Avoid this. There's no legitimate reason you can't be on time, so be on time. Also, dressing in your Sunday best is a surefire way to boost your confidence. You know when you look good and you feel good about yourself when you do. Even if you're scared and nervous and feel like you're about to have a panic attack, you'll still feel great about yourself because you look great.

Remember the first rule of Boy Scouts: Be prepared! Absolutely the easiest way to ensure confidence on stage is to be prepared for your presentation. It sounds simple enough, but it's equally as simple to convince yourself that you're much more prepared than you really are. Be honest with yourself. Should you practice one more time? Do you know the presentation like the back of your hand? The more you practice, the more prepared you're going to feel. We recommend practicing at least eight times before the day of your presentation. More is better. Be so comfortable with every aspect of your speech that it feels like it's spilling out of your brain. An excellent point from our CEO and founder Scott Schwertly's book How to be a Presentation God is that "an 100-member audience attending an hour-long presentation is giving up 100 collective hours." Your audience is going to get out of your presentation what you put into it. Make it worth their while.

When you finally feel adequately prepared, relax. Breathe. Set down your presentation and do something else. Don't look at it again except for a quick run-through before the presentation. Don't obsess over it. Again, be sure you are prepared, then relax. Don't fret up until the final moment about some cumbersome detail. Let it rest. If you feel completely prepared the day of the presentation, you will look and appear relaxed. Of course, there will always be butterflies flying around your stomach, but no one will be able to tell except you. And those butterflies are a good thing– they'll keep you in line and remind you to be on your toes and receptive to whatever comes your way, but your demeanor will be entirely relaxed because you're ready.

So remember: arrive early, dress your best, be prepared and relax. Your audience will be excited and ready to hear what you have to say. You'll smile, feel grounded in your confidence, and give the best presentation of your life.

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Why User Experience Is Critical To Customer Relationships

Why User Experience Is Critical To Customer Relationships

User experience is a priority that should, in some way, find a home within the design of any new-media strategy.

This is part one of a limited series on the need for brands to employ UX in new-media strategies to improve customer experiences and engagement.

With the explosion of social media and smart devices, customers are becoming incredibly sophisticated, elusive, and empowered. As a result, the dynamics that govern the relationship between brands and customers is evolving.

But even in this era of engagement and "two-way" conversations, the reality is that the relationship businesses hope to have with customers through these new devices, applications, or networks and their true state are not one in the same. In fact, it is woefully one-sided, and usually not to the advantage of customers, which for all intents and purposes still affects businesses. 

Rather than examine the role new technologies and platforms can play in improving customer relationships and experiences, many businesses invest in "attendance" strategies where a brand is present in both trendy and established channels, but not defining meaningful experiences or outcomes. Simply stated, businesses are underestimating the significance of customer experiences.

Some of the biggest trends today--mobile, geoloco, social, real-time--are changing how consumers discover and share information and connect with one another. Technology aside, consumers are driving the rapid adoption of technology because of the capabilities that are unlocked through each device. From self-expression and validation to communication and connections to knowledge and collaboration, new opportunities unfold with each new device and platform.  

As smart and connected technology matures beyond a luxury into everyday commodities, consumer expectations only inflate. As a result, functionality, connectedness, and experiences emerge as the lures for attention. For brands to compete for attention now takes something greater than mere presences in the right channels or support for the most popular devices. User experience (UX) is now becoming a critical point in customer engagement in order to compete for attention now and in the future. For without thoughtful UX, consumers meander without direction, reward, or utility. And their attention, and ultimately loyalty, follows. 

The CrUX of Engagement Is Intention and Purpose

Brands as a whole suffer from medium-alism, where inordinate value and weight is placed on the technology of any medium rather than amplifying platform strengths and ideas to deliver desired and beneficial experiences and outcomes. Said another way, businesses are designing for the sake of designing, without regard for how someone feels, thinks, or acts as a result. 

Thankfully, there's a cure for medium-alism. UX is the new Rx for most new media deployments. From social networks to mobile apps to commerce to digital, experiential strategies form the bridge where intentions meet outcomes. By starting with the end in mind, UX packages efficiency and enchantment to deliver more meaningful, engaging, and rewarding consumer journeys.

It's easier said than done, however.  

UX is an art and science, and it is all but ignored in the development of new media channels where customers control their own fate. If the appeal of an app diminishes, it's removed from the device. If a brand page in a social or mobile network no longer delivers value, a customer can effortlessly unlike, unfollow, or unsubscribe. If the rewards for taking action on behalf of a brand--think check-in, QR, barcode scans, or augmented reality plays--are intangible, or gimmicky without intent, customers will simply power off. And, if a consumer cannot take action in your favor, within their channel of relevance, with ease and elegance, value or ROI will forever escape your grasp.

Agencies, brand managers, developers, consultants, and anyone responsible for any element of customer engagement can learn from the art and science of UX. To that end, UX is a role that should, in some way, shape or form, find a home within the design of any new media strategy today. So I ask:  

Who's your mobile design expert?Who understands the engagement dynamics of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other new networks?Who on your team is a master of the psychology to better understand engagement, behavior, and expectations?

Often, creative strategies are driven by a clever idea and not necessarily an idea supported by an engaging design or experience. At the same time, many campaigns are developed for a medium or an event where the platform takes precedence over sentiment or desired results. Of course, when considered, the formula of experiences and outcomes is incredibly potent. But when deployed without directions, everything that results is left to happenstance. Why risk it when you can design for it?

The Experience RedUX

Certainly many brands are guilty of deploying technology strategies without designing a holistic experience. It's the reason the result of a QR scan is a web page that's--unsurprisingly--not optimized for mobile devices or the enthusiasm that precedes an AR activation is usually met with an unimpressive digital diorama, only to dwindle in disappointment or novelty.  

Intent or desired outcomes are often thwarted by their very design or lack thereof. 

The primary function of UX is the development of an architecture that creates a delightful, emotional, and sensory experience. This is why it's vital to customer experiences and engagement. UX is, among many things, designed to be experiential, affective, useful, productive, and entertaining. And, most importantly, it's devised with an end in mind where the means to that end is efficient and optimized for each channel.

Let's take a look at the point of origin for the moment. Your smartphone, computer screen, and tablet open a window to a new experience that is unique to that device. It's a looking glass into your world that goes beyond usability. Successful UX evokes engagement or purpose, affects sentiment, and influences behavior. And this is why UX is so important. 

As Marshall McLuhan once said, "The medium is the message." Now, the medium is not only the message, the medium is the experience. And that is why we cannot simply design for the medium, we must design the experience where the medium becomes an enabler to the journey and the end as devised.  

Two words come to mind here: mission, and purpose. Jesse James Garrett, author The Elements of User Experience, once observed, "An information architect makes information work for people."  If we use his perspective as a springboard for new media, what businesses need now are new CEOs--Chief Experience Officers. But in all seriousness, brands must employ experience architects, as it is they who will carry the responsibility of designing the customer journey so that it is engaging, worthy of sharing, and unified regardless of platform.

Engagement is not a campaign, it's a continuum where technology is merely an enabler for a greater vision, mission, and purpose. And as such, the attention, engagement, and outcomes that result are indeed reflective of what is both earned and deserved.

Next up…the principles and pillars of UX.

Follow author Brian Solis @briansolis. For more leadership coverage, follow Fast Company on Twitter and LinkedIn.

[Image: Flickr user Berenger Zyla]

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Feeling Green – Emotional Intelligence and Sustainable Business

Feeling Green – Emotional Intelligence and Sustainable Business

Joshua Freedman, Six Seconds' COO, was interviewed by Bhavani Prakash of Green Collar Asia, the portal for Asia's new sustainable economy.  The in-depth interview explores the why and how emotional intelligence is valuable for sustainability, healthy growth, attracting and retaining talent — and leading transformation.  Two excerpts below, and see the full article on Green Collar Asia: Joshua Freedman: Emotional Intelligence and its relevance for Green Talent

GCA: What's the connection between emotional intelligence and behaviour change, in the context of sustainability.

Joshua Freedman: Daniel Goleman wrote a new book called, "Ecological Intelligence" where he talks about that. I've done a couple of interviews with Dan where we discuss this. Our work in emotional intelligence is largely about how people make better decisions and take action in a way that's aligned with what they really want to happen. As we think about our long term goals, how do we take actions in a way that moves us towards those long term goals?  The whole point of intelligence is to look ahead and solve problems – mathematical intelligence helps us solve numerical problems; emotional intelligence helps us solve human problems.

In other words, if we're using EQ to make optimal long-term decisions, we have to also be thinking about the ecosystem in which we will either suffer, or flourish. Being intentional in an ecological sense means creating a more sustainable world starts with decisions and choices we make individually, actions we take individually.  Tapping the power of EQ means recognising that emotions are major drivers of those behaviours – whether that behaviour is consuming resources for short term profit, or conserving them, or whether that behaviour is advocating for a vibrant future.

For all of these behaviours, there is an emotional component that drives them.  If we can become more clear about the emotions that drive us individually towards our decisions and actions, and if we can become more effective at creating emotions that will help enrol others in making better decisions, we can be more powerful as advocates.

GCA: How important is EQ to an organisation to retain talent?

Joshua Freedman:  I think the adage that "people don't leave their organisation, they leave their boss" is absolutely true. I certainly hear that story over and over again. And I hear a lot of leaders saying that there's a shortage of talent …So, we need people who are good at enrolling others, we need people who are good at building those kind of relationships that are going to influence people across boundaries, that are going to open up potentials and possibilities, that are going to make it possible to do things that were impossible before, especially in this rapid pace of change in the globalised environment.  We need people who are able to get out the immediate box and reach out to a bigger audience.

This logic is critical as we think about green jobs.  Yes, this kind of work is mission driven, but it's also a business.  If we can make a really good business case in a green enterprise, there's a tremendous impact on talent.  We can then attract individuals who say 'this is the kind of work that I want to be doing.'  We know that particularly in Gen Y, people are looking for meaning, and they are not just about money. So as we look to the future and consider, "Where are the absolutely most talented people going to work?"  They are going to look for jobs that have real meaning.

There's a kind of obvious link here between creating an organisation that really walks its talk.  Imagine a business that's doing something truly worthwhile and creating a place where people really want to work – because of its mission, because of the EQ skills creating positive relationships, and because of a sound business strategy — that is the "magic combo" that is going to make it effective and prosperous.

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Tim Cook alla Goldman Sachs Conference, stasera live streaming audio della presentazione

Tim Cook alla Goldman Sachs Conference, stasera live streaming audio della presentazione

tim cook 270 Tim Cook alla Goldman Sachs Conference, stasera live streaming audio della presentazioneApple ha annunciato la disponibilità di un live stream audio del discorso che il CEO di Apple Tim Cook terrà quest'oggi alla Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference. L'intervento del CEO è previsto per le 12:30, ora di Cupertino, le 21:30 qui da noi.
Il Webcast, che si potrà ascoltare tramite QuickTime, è accessibile a tutti dalla pagina dedicata nell'apposita sezione del sito Apple. Non è la prima volta che Cook partecipa alla conferenza di Goldman Sachs, ma è la prima volta che vi prende parte in veste di CEO dell'azienda.
Non affrettatevi a cancellare i vostri impegni di questa sera ed evitate di elaborare complicate scuse da propinare alla vostra dolce metà per starvene a casa. E' altamente improbabile che Tim Cook utilizzi questo discorso per introdurre qualche novità di rilievo. Tutt'al più è possibile che ci scappi qualche riferimento a piani strategici presenti o futuri, ma nulla che non possiate leggere al rientro dalla vostra serata galante o al più tardi domattina qui su The Apple Lounge.

Tim Cook alla Goldman Sachs Conference, stasera live streaming audio della presentazione, pubblicato su TheAppleLounge il 14/02/2012

© Camillo Miller per TheAppleLounge, 2012. | Un commento |

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lunedì 6 febbraio 2012

Make a Good Impression in 30 Seconds

Make a Good Impression in 30 Seconds

This post was co-authored with Holly Newman.

Here in the U.S., the Super Bowl this weekend showed us the power of 30-second advertisements, and how influential they can be in promoting a company's awareness. But how often do we craft our own 30-second spots with audiences that we want to influence?

Most of us are not in the business of making TV commercials, but in conversations there is almost always a 30-second moment that can make the meeting memorable.

Malcolm Gladwell touches on this phenomenon in his book, Blink. He talks about "thin-slicing," or "the ability of our unconscious to find patterns in situations and behavior based on very narrow slices of experience." He explains how too much information can cloud an individual's ability to accurately analyze a situation, and how "in good decision making, frugality matters." In other words, mini-impressions do count. And although you never get a second chance to make a first impression, you do get many chances to make the next impression.

So how do you turn your moment into an award-winning spot? Let's look to advertisers for guidance:

Capture your audience's attention. Think about one of your favorite commercials (or you can pick one from the game). Which part of that commercial stays with you? What technique did the advertiser use to draw you in — humor, aesthetics, emotions, surprise, or something else? Think about how you could incorporate that technique into your next important conversation.

Convey a clear message. Consider the key message for the target audience. What did the company try to convey, and how did the advertiser use that to connect with viewers? How did they frame the message to make this point? Now, think about your own messaging — what is the most critical takeaway you would like your viewers to receive? How might you deliver your message to ensure your audience walks away with this understanding?

Focus on differentiation. Think about what distinguishes your advertiser from the rest. How did the company use the commercial to portray its unique brand? Think about the same for yourself: What sets you apart from others? How can you highlight your distinctive qualities?

When you combine these three elements, you've got the potential for an influential "spot." The key is having these components ready so that you can recall them when needed. For example, the best salespeople are always prepared to connect with potential customers who say that they don't have time to talk. Similarly, the best leaders often are not those who speak the longest or the loudest, but those who convey their ideas in a memorable way, and can do it over and over again.

Our world is filled with noise, information, and distractions; so having someone's undivided attention — even for 30 seconds — is an opportunity that shouldn't be wasted. If you can use those 30 seconds to capture their attention, deliver your message, and distinguish yourself from others, you're likely to be heard, understood, and remembered. What sponsor wouldn't want that?

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When to Give Up on Your Goals

When to Give Up on Your Goals

A few years ago, I had a brilliant New Year's resolution: I'd arrange to play squash with my friend Ben three times a week. The lure of seeing him would compel me to visit the gym, and we'd get fit in the process. The only hitch was that Ben, as a teacher, had to be at work early, so our matches could begin no later than 6:00 a.m. For over a year, we kept up the ritual — until I finally realized I was so exhausted from the early mornings, I wasn't productive the rest of the day.

Goal setting can be powerful. It's important to periodically look at your priorities and ensure you're doing the things that matter, whether it's seeing friends, getting healthy, or making more sales calls. But it's equally important to re-evaluate those goals to ensure they're still appropriate. At my gym — the same one I visited with Ben — there's a huge banner with a Lance Armstrong quote: "Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." But I'd like to suggest there are three very good reasons to abandon your goals.

When your goals have adverse consequences. Just as predicted with my squash plan, I enjoyed seeing Ben frequently and I lost ten pounds over the course of the year. But I also made the erroneous assumption that over time, I'd learn to wake up gracefully at 5:15 a.m. Despite the benefits of the routine, I eventually realized the cost — my fatigue and lost productivity — was too great to keep it up.

When your goals impede other objectives. A while back — driven by stress — I decided to schedule in my "life balance." Planner in hand, I'd spend Sunday nights carving out weekly time for friends (four hours), working in coffee shops (four hours), networking (three hours), and the like. I tried my new schedule for months, dutifully monitoring my time allocation to ensure I'd checked off the boxes and was leading a balanced life. But my stress level never seemed to go down, and I realized scheduling my life was actually impeding my enjoyment of it. I constantly felt boxed in, with no room for spontaneity. Today, I have looser guidelines for myself, and perhaps less balance, but I'm enjoying myself more.

When your goals are no longer appropriate. I recently received an attractive job query: Would I like to become the Communications Director for a prominent elected official? A decade ago, I certainly would have; back then, I spent hours crafting my resume and badgering my contacts to recommend me for a job very much like the one I was now being offered. It almost felt like a betrayal of my 20-something self to say no — but I did, anyway. In the intervening years, I had served in positions similar enough to satisfy my curiosity, and now, as a consultant, I had contracts and commitments to honor. The right goals for you now aren't necessarily the ones you set in college, or five years ago, or even last month.

"Winners never quit, and quitters never win" — that's what they told us on the Little League field. But in business, and in life, sometimes quitting is the best thing you can do.

What goals have you abandoned, and why? How did you make the decision?

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martedì 31 gennaio 2012

Have no text at the bottom of the slide

Have no text at the bottom of the slide

Yesterday I conducted a presentations workshop in Pune. It was a workshop on basics of presentations to under graduate students from all over India and was held as part of Sympulse, the annual management fest at Symbiosis Center for Management Studies UG. The workshop was successful and I too enjoyed a lot.

While I will write about the workshop and what I taught there in future posts. This post is about a simple feedback I received from two students. A lot of my slides had text at the bottom and this was getting difficult to read for students at the back (especially if a slightly taller person was sitting on their front). Here is a sample:
The lesson for all my future presentations is simple: Have no text at the bottom of the slide.

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5 consigli per lanciare la tua startup su Facebook

5 consigli per lanciare la tua startup su Facebook

Sui social network i clienti non sono sconosciuti da sommergere di pubblicità, ma persone con cui intavolare una discussione. Ecco come sfruttarli al meglio

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When to Share Sensitive Information with Your Team

When to Share Sensitive Information with Your Team

Being the boss means you are often privy to information that your team isn't. You may learn that a major client is unhappy with your service, or that senior leaders are considering outsourcing your team's work. At these moments, it's easy to feel stuck between your bosses and the people you manage. Do you share the information? Or do you protect your employees from it? Whatever the news, it's up to you to decide whether, when, and how to tell your team.

What the Experts Say
There are of course times when you are not allowed to share the news — your company has been acquired but the deal is not finished, or someone on your team is being let go. But there are a whole host of instances when it is up to you. At those times, you're likely to feel pressure from one side or another. "It's very rare people don't want to know the news even if it's bad," says Michael Useem, the William and Jacalyn Egan Professor of Management at the Wharton School and author of "Four Lessons in Adaptive Leadership." But it's important to assess each situation individually and to remember it's not your job to coddle employees. "We're not their parents, we're their bosses," says Linda Hill, the Wallace Brett Donham Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School and coauthor of Being the Boss: The 3 Imperatives for Becoming a Great Leader. Telling or not depends on the situation, but these guidelines can help you make the decision.

Know your natural tendency
When it comes to privacy, we all have a preferred approach in our personal lives. Some tend to keep things quiet, while others are more of an open book. In your role as a manager, though, neither end of the spectrum is ideal. "If you're too private and people aren't getting the information they need to do their jobs, you need to get over it," says Hill. But if you're being too transparent — divulging too much information — it can come off as unprofessional. If you understand your biases, you'll be better able to counteract them and find a middle ground.

Question your motives
If you find yourself chomping at the bit to share news with your group or, on the flip side, resisting a conversation you think you should have, question your motives. Are you feeling guilty about harboring information? Are you afraid of people getting mad at you? "Understand your reasons for telling or not and ask yourself if they are legitimate," says Hill. Definitely don't share news if you are simply doing it to make yourself feel better. You shouldn't pass your anxiety on to your employees. At the same time, don't keep quiet just because you're uncomfortable or can't figure out how to deliver the news.

You should also question whether or not your motives are manipulative. Don't hold back information to gain or prevent a certain outcome from your people. For example, Hill says she takes issue with companies that know they have to lay people off but don't tell in the hopes that employees will work hard until the bitter end. Secrecy in this case is deceitful.

Tend toward transparency
Both Hill and Useem argue that managers should typically be as transparent as possible, especially when it comes to negative messages. "You need to give them bad news if it's going to impact their work or career in ways that are material," says Hill. Telling also allows you to enlist your team's help in solving the problem. Openness builds your credibility, which Useem describes as "cash in your account." Employees will trust that you're going to tell them what they need to know. Then, if at some point, you can't tell them everything, they are much more likely to understand.

Frame it about the future
If you decide to share, make sure your delivery includes a degree of hopefulness. "Frame the news so they can absorb it and do something about it," says Hill. Useem concurs and says that leaders have a responsibility to show people what the path forward is. For example, if you need to tell your team that you lost an important project bid, you can say something like, "While this is definitely bad news, we are going to double our client development efforts and work towards securing three smaller projects by the end of the year. You can help by reaching out to your network and reporting any leads back to me." Useem says that no matter how bad the news you need to convey optimism. Of course you don't want to give anyone false hope. "Overstating the likelihood of success can lead to disappointment later on," says Useem.

But don't over share
Also realize that total transparency may be unnecessary and overwhelming to your employees. Resist the temptation to share news when you don't have complete information and to delve into details when it will cause more harm than good. "People have a hard time coping with probabilities on the down side," says Useem. Instead of hearing there is a small chance of the negative outcome, they are likely to panic and assume it's a done deal. Hill agrees: "You don't need to share your entire thought process with people."

When to keep your mouth shut
There are also times when you are not at liberty to disclose information because of corporate policy, or a directive from your boss. In these cases, if you feel your employees should know the news, challenge the rule or decision by talking to upper management and making the case for telling. But without permission from above, don't go against policy. You could put your job at risk.

Principles to Remember


  • Ask yourself why you want to tell or not and assess whether it's a legitimate reason
  • Lean toward being transparent if possible
  • Frame the news so that people know what they can do about it


  • Hold back information because you aren't sure how to deliver it
  • Flout company policy if you want to share something you've been asked not to
  • Give your team every detail about a decision — tell them just what they need to know

Case study #1: Give the necessary information
Rocky Pecoraro, the principal of Pecoraro Recruiters International, had some pretty bad news to share. Several months earlier, Rocky had placed Gerald* in the position of director of food and beverage at a resort hotel. Gerald's supervisor was disappointed with the new director's performance and wanted to terminate him. Rocky promised that he would talk to Gerald to see if his performance might be turned around. Rocky did just that, but refrained from telling Gerald that he would be fired if his behavior didn't change. "I had a previous experience on a different position where the individual walked off the job fearing he was to be fired anyway," Rocky explains. So I didn't feel that I had to tell [Gerald] every detail and have it hanging over his every move. It would have been too much pressure," Rocky says. Instead, he told Gerald to work harder at adapting to the hotel's culture and meeting expectations. Gerald listened to the feedback, and after venting frustrations of his own, worked with Rocky to do a better job. In the end, Rocky's supervisor was pleased with the changes he saw and agreed to keep Gerald on board. "Ultimately I believe most of us want to know the truth and not have to discover it on our own," Rocky says. But if I had told [Gerald] the whole truth about what [his] supervisor said exactly as it was, it would have been detrimental to their future relationship."

*Not his real name

Case study #2: Enlist them in coming up with a solution
Suchitra Mishra had been leading a close-knit central account operations team at an IT company in India for three years when she found out the group was to be disbanded. She knew the decision, which was to be carried out in four months' time, would negatively impact everyone as they were reassigned and given new responsibilities. "We would have to learn new skills and new style of working" with new peers and bosses, she says. "This is not easy to do at any stage of a career and I expected stiff resistance and negativity. As a leader, my first instinct was always to 'protect' the team, to not let anything demotivate them." But she realized this would benefit her more than it would them. Instead, she decided to share the news immediately in a sit-down meeting to help ease the transition and give the team time to "accept the inevitable." "The reaction was a mixed bag of emotions — anger at management for changing something that was working, fear about their jobs, and unhappiness about having to make a fresh start," she says. But she also encouraged the group to focus them on the future "Letting them know as soon as I knew gave us time to strategize and work on a plan to ensure smooth transition for both us and the departments everyone eventually moved to," she says. Her superiors were also happy because she managed the change without a drop in productivity. 'You have to trust your teams enough to process all information — good or bad — for them to feel valued and empowered to deal with all situations," she says.

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Un confronto fra MacBook Air e Pro: GHz o SSD, questo è il dilemma!

Un confronto fra MacBook Air e Pro: GHz o SSD, questo è il dilemma!

MacBook Air VS MacBook Pro Un confronto fra MacBook Air e Pro: GHz o SSD, questo è il dilemma!Il 2012 dovrebbe essere l'anno della profezia Maya l'anno dei SSD (Solid State Drive). Nei prossimi mesi si suppone che si possa avviare una produzione massiccia di SSD il cui costo si dovrebbe aggirare attorno a 1$ USA per 1GB abbattendo i prezzi per 1GB attuali che sono doppi (o addirittura più che tali).

Apple ha capito l'importanza dei SSD rendendoli di serie sui MacBook Air. Va ancora diversamente per gli altri computer designed by Apple in California per i quali i "dischi" a stato solido rimangono opzionali.

Ma perché questa scelta? I prezzi dei computer non "sottiletta" di Apple lieviterebbero troppo, penseranno alcuni. Meglio offrire agli utenti più esigenti (si legga come Pro) un maggior quantitativo di RAM e GHz, diranno altri. È giusto lasciare la scelta della personalizzazione del computer all'utente, proporranno altri ancora.

Forse, più prosaicamente, gli SSD sui MacBook Air sono il modo con cui si può offrire un prodotto "limitato" dando l'impressione all'utente medio di avere un computer estremamente potente.

Continua a leggere: Un confronto fra MacBook Air e Pro: GHz o SSD, questo è il dilemma! (...)

Un confronto fra MacBook Air e Pro: GHz o SSD, questo è il dilemma!, pubblicato su TheAppleLounge il 31/01/2012

© gibi79 per TheAppleLounge, 2012. | 22 commenti |
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lunedì 30 gennaio 2012

6 Presentation Links Worth Clicking

6 Presentation Links Worth Clicking

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When I was in the States last year, I met up with Nancy Duarte… and she interviewed me. She's now written up the interview on her blog. Find out more about my story and why I'm passionate about helping people be better presenters – and particularly helping people overcome the fear of public speaking. Here's the link: Nancy Duarte interviews Olivia Mitchell.

And here's five more links to great writing on presentation skills:

Even TED speakers get nervous
TED is an elite conference where invited speakers give 18 minute talks on the ideas they're passionate about. In this short post on the TED blog, TED speakers talk about what  it's like to give a TED talk. Main takeway – if you're not nervous , you're not pushing yourself enough – you're playing safe.

What you can learn from Dan Pink
Another of Andrew Dlugan's signature speech critiques (scour his blog for many others). This one features a 2009 TED talk by Dan Pink which is worth listening to in it's own right. Andrew has a wonderful talent for deconstructing a talk and showing us why they work (and occasionally why they don't).

An elegant way of addressing the elephant in the room
Diane DiResta was about to teach a class of young girls when she was told that their school principal had died unexpectedly the day before. How did she handle it?

Jon Thomas's best 20 posts on PowerPoint presentation design
Jon's blog is a fantastic treasure trove of slide design advice and now he's collated a list of his best posts that will help you create visually engaging and effective PowerPoint presentations.

Speaking Perfection is a Myth
This is a recurring rant of mine – and it's well-articulated in this post by Rich Hopkins. If you fall prey to the disease of perfectionism, then you need to read this.

If you've recently read a great article on presentation skills, do leave a link to it in the comments.

Related posts:

  1. Two live presentation events that will enrich your presentations – and your life
  2. The 5 Bad Habits of Experienced Speakers
  3. The first five stages of speaker development

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Find a Presentation Designer Here

Find a Presentation Designer Here

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Are you looking for a presentation designer? I've been asked so many times if I could recommend a presentation designer that I've decided to publish a list of PowerPoint and Keynote slide design companies and freelancers. I asked each presentation designer to talk about their approach to presentation design and to give me an example of a slide that represents their brand.

I've used a very traditional method to order these presentation designers – it's alphabetical based on the principal's last name.

You'll see a tremendous variety in approaches – from business focus, to scientific rigor to aesthetics.

Rick Altman, Better Presenting
There are plenty of PowerPoint trainers in the world. There is also no shortage of speaking coaches. And finding a marketing consultant to help with message and branding is not terribly difficult. But finding a consultant with demonstrated expertise in all of these critical areas of presentation is not so common. Rick Altman is one of the few in the presentation community who blends presentation design, best practices, and software technique to serve his clients.

This finished slide, for the largest insurance provider in the United States, began as a typical slide, with far too many words, no white space, and no visual focus (text is greeked to respect company privacy). Pairing down the text to hone the message is just the first part of the solution; integrating an evocative visual is critical to giving the message its emotional weight. Finally, using PowerPoint's support for semi-transparency allows the text and the image to be blended into a single story.

Claudia Bennett, Cestudio Design
The best presentation has the speaker's message simple and right to the point and educates the audience in the subject message matter while keeping the story line alive. Like a good movie! I feel privileged to count myself as one of the few  presentations designers worldwide able to work in both English and Spanish. I'm based in Boston, Massachussets, USA.

Chantal Bossé, CHABOS
I have a passion for visual communications. Since I created CHABOS in 2004, my main goal has been to help entrepreneurs, trainers and speakers improve their presentations and performance with a real "visual communication" tool.

To convince audiences we need more than just pretty slides; we need a convincing and inspiring message! My approach to help clients set themselves apart from the crowd: flexible presentations. It gives them the possibility to tailor their message to the audience's needs on the spot. It does take more time, and of course practice to master content structure and the use of the technology. But presenters willing to go that route have a memorable impact on audiences. Some clients have even increased their sales with this presentation method, and greatly reduced the need to design new slide decks all the time.

When people are not comfortable with this method, I stick with regular linear presentations but with very few bullet lists, using instead meaningful visuals and one idea per slide.

Jeff Brenman, Apollo Ideas
Apollo Ideas is a presentation consulting and design company. We help people with great ideas develop and deliver presentations that convince, inspire, express, captivate, evoke, teach, move, entertain, sell, engage, challenge, motivate audiences. Our mantra, "Clear Simple Expression", is part of what sets our work apart. Everything we create is tested against three criteria: 1) Is the message clear? 2) Is the story simple to understand? 3) Is it expressive? A "yes" to all three defines Apollo Ideas style.

Louise Cunningham, Halo Media
Halo Media is a design company with a passion for presentations! Our focus is on the content flow and visual appeal – transforming your content into a professional, well-designed (and hot!) presentation. We've produced PowerPoint and Keynote presentations for well-known brands across the globe including:

Coca Cola  |  Unilever  | Orange (France Telecom)  |  GTS Lufthansa  |   Nestlé

We are South African based – this mean's we are in line with GMT time (1 hour ahead of the UK), English is our first language and our exchange rate suits your pocket!
You'll find our showreels on our site… we look forward to hearing from you!

Mike Davenport, Stick Figure Simple
I believe people are overwhelmed with information. They can't cut through the mind clutter anymore. I believe people want easy to absorb information. Information they can grasp in a glance so they can learn, lead and find opportunities faster. Better. Easier. I believe people want simple communication – the simpler, the better.

Ever have that relieved feeling when someone says, "Wait, let me draw you a quick picture?"

It works. Simple pictures make communication better. And simple pictures – stick-figure-simple pictures – sweep away complex information, leaving us with what really matters.

Nancy Duarte, Duarte Design
A good story changes how people think, feel, and act–moving them to buy a product, embrace an idea, fund a cause or join a movement. Presentations have the potential to transform audiences by connecting authentically and communicating persuasively through the power of story. Duarte is the global presentation leader, with expertise honed through more than twenty years in practice, two top-100 Amazon business books, and global training curriculum based on the award-winning methodology. We apply visual storytelling techniques from cinema and literature to build engaging communications, high-concept campaigns and transformative experiences that inspire a groundswell response in any audience. Our presentations unfold across multiple channels, whether it's a live keynote or breakout, video or multimedia content delivered on demand, or an immersive, user-navigated experience. Through a highly collaborative process, we'll work closely with you to write, design, produce, and deliver a presentation–in any form–that accelerates the reach and impact of your message.

Artur Ferreira and Rogerio Chequer, SOAP
SOAP – State Of the Art Presentations –  was created by business consultants who, after participating in business presentations, realized that most of the presentations were boring and ineffective, and so opportunities were being lost. SOAP brought together elements from Design, Advertising, Consulting and Storytelling to develop a unique methodology that we call Soap System.

SOAP System touches on all the components of a presentation: defining the approach, writing the script, creating the visuals and coaching the presenter.

Our goal is to leverage strategic moments with impactful messages, stories and visuals that lead the audience to your objective.

Our leading-edge design studios are equipped with the latest technology for graphic design, animation, video production and other interactive media.

Ana Foureaux Frazao, AnaFxFz
I create designs that attract, inspire, and motivate people to respond to visual messages. My conceptual designs are original artwork focused on innovation. I am a Mac-based designer but proficient in a broad range of design applications for both Mac and PC. I am multilingual, with solid international experience, and have designed keynote and pitch presentations for high profile speakers, book authors, and technology entrepreneurs from around the world. I am currently based in San Francisco, California, where I launched AnaFxFz Communication Design, a studio focused on Presentations, Branding, and Information Design.

Sandra Johnson, PresentationWiz
Sandra Johnson is on a mission to help people use PowerPoint responsibly. By combining marketing communications and design expertise with known audio-visual learning tenets, her presentations bring her clients' ideas to life in a way that connects with and compels audiences.

Johnson is a 20-year marketing communications veteran who has developed and successfully implemented marketing communications programs for clients like 3M Health Care, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals and Porsche Cars of North America. Her strategic expertise and creative PowerPoint design and strategic consultation skills have made her a valuable resource for her clients since forming her PowerPoint presentation business in 2001.

Since 2008, Sandra has been recognized by Microsoft Corporation as one of a handful of Microsoft PowerPoint Most Valued Professionals (MVP) in the US.

Philippa Leguen de LaCroix, Cornerstone Presentations
At Cornerstone Presentations in London we do things differently: we're into the science of how our brains process information, and we use this science to create strategically designed, highly-targeted slides that communicate effectively and engage the audience.

In fact, the multimedia learning science we follow actually proves that traditional onscreen bullet points are not only a tedious PowerPoint habit – they are also detrimental to your audience's capacity to learn.

We're a small and expert team and we take time to understand your business and your messages. Our scientific approach has been a big hit, and more importantly, hugely successful:  we've helped our clients win millions of pounds worth of business.

With excellent design and scientifically proven techniques – we're confident that we can improve your presentations significantly. Give us a call or drop us an email for an informal chat about how we can help you.

Jason Leow, PopcornPrez
PopcornPrez is about crafting presentation experiences that delight, so that we deliver "presentations to have popcorn with" – which is our tagline. Ultimately, a delightfully great presentation experience is about getting buy-in to a product, service or an idea. I always tell my clients that I'm really a business consultant with a specialty in presentations. What I am really doing is to help businesses achieve their business objectives through visual communication and design.

We also love sharing our design inspiration and knowledge with more serious presenters/presentation designers, through a laterally-inspired curated blog where we get the kick out of connecting seemingly disparate pieces of information into inspiration for presentation design!

Rowan Manahan, Fortify Services
I come from a corporate background and have been crafting presentations at every level since 1989. From flipcharts, OHPs and 35mm slides to the latest in Slideware technology, I have seen the best and the worst that goes on when people stand up to speak. What makes for a good presentation, speech or talk?

(1) Having something that's worth saying
(2) Having an audience that wants or needs to hear what you have to say
(3) Having the time to turn the thing that's worth saying into something that's worth listening to

My company, Fortify, can transform your presentation delivery, content and technology to whatever level you need and I work closely with every client on every project. We start at the end – what do you want to happen as a result of the presentation? – and work our way back from there, to determine the optimal approach.

Magda Maslowska, Haute Slides
My presentation design philosophy has been developed both through my interest in cognitive science and over 7 years of practice as an information graphic designer. This means carefully selecting design elements such as photography, icons, typography, colors and layouts so they dance harmoniously together emphasizing the idea.

I focus on visual persuasion and information retention through story, design and appeal.

  • Story is the heart of the presentation. An effective presentation is an equal partnership of data and emotional connection with the audience.
  • Design is about problem solving, organizing and presenting data to transform it into valuable, meaningful information.
  • Aesthetic appeal serves an integral part of how we feel about the things we see.

Creative and production processes are based on years of experience developing audience-centric high stakes presentations for global technology leaders. The goal is to make slides both beautiful and meaningful with a purpose to effectively communicate the message.

Miguel Monteiro, Tribe Presentations, Portugal
At TRIBE Presentations, our main contribution, as design and communication professionals, is helping to build contents and add-value through visual illustration, optimizing understanding and achieving the best adhesion of audiences to the messages delivered.

Dave Paradi, Think Outside the Slide
I help executives and professionals sell ideas that are not easily understood, like technical or financial information, so the audience gets it. I start with the structure of the message and help create slides that enhance what you say.

I am not a designer, I don't use graphics software, and that's exactly why I might be right for you. I have an MBA, wear a suit and understand the bottom line orientation of business executives. If you are an executive, sales professional, engineer, or analyst who has to create and deliver presentations regularly to win business, update others, or inform a group, there's a good chance I can help you.

I won't craft a gorgeous set of slides or make your slides "pretty". In my training workshops and consulting assignments, I provide practical advice to help you create and deliver persuasive PowerPoint presentations to colleagues, executives and clients.

Carl Pullein
Simplicity in design, naturalness in language and restraint in content. That is the fundamental approach to my presentation design and delivery philosophy.

We are teaching Korean people to present in English in a much more communicative and natural way that gets results.

Jan Schultink, Idea Transplant
Idea Transplant is a presentation design firm headed by Jan Schultink. Jan is a presentation designer without a formal training in graphics design. Instead, he spent 10 years as a strategy consultant with McKinsey & Company. This experience has taught him how to craft stories for a CEO audience.

Jan is based in Tel Aviv, but the majority of his clients are abroad (thanks to the Internet). These clients range from the smallest startups (fund raising pitches) to the largest multinationals (sales presentations, analyst presentations).

Jan is the driving force behind Idea Transplant, one of the most popular blogs about presentation design.

Scott Schwertly, Ethos3
The question here isn't whether or not our designers are good or not. Our ironclad egos are 24/7, impenetrable self-esteem shields, and we feed them everyday. The question is whether or not design matters for presentations, and the answer is a resounding yes.
The aesthetics of your presentation are divided into two categories: expedience and resonance. Our designers are expedient because they walk around looking at things and ingesting lifelong lessons from their observations–it's like Neo learning martial arts in The Matrix. Our designers are resonant because they are fully formed emotional creatures that have been augmented with 4+ year degrees entirely focused on how imagery precipitates change.Not everyone needs presentation design help. Take Ethos3: we don't hire it out because we already do it. For the rest of you, let our skilled team turn your expertise into expedience and resonance. This is the correct interpretation of today's horoscope.

Jon Thomas, Presentation Advisors
Presentation Advisors was founded on the cornerstone of my favorite quote, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. (Leonardo DaVinci)" Designing your presentation is less about repeating the presented information in visual form, but creating a visual backdrop that accentuates the information being presented by presenter. It requires visuals that engage the audience's senses, giving them a visual cue to tie to the information being presented. It means fewer words, more images, unique fonts and large images. It's about delivering your message in its simplest form (but no simpler).

Presentation design is also about weaving narrative throughout the presenter's story. Since audiences have little time to hear a sales pitch but lots of time to hear a great story, presentations require a narrative format to truly resonate with an audience.

Simplicity + Beauty + Story = Presentation Advisors

If you're a presentation designer and you'd like to be added to this list, let me know via my contact form (please don't use the Comments for this purpose).

And readers looking for a presentation designer, tell me what could make this post more useful for you? Do let me know in the Comments.

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