lunedì 30 gennaio 2012

6 Presentation Links Worth Clicking

6 Presentation Links Worth Clicking

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When I was in the States last year, I met up with Nancy Duarte… and she interviewed me. She's now written up the interview on her blog. Find out more about my story and why I'm passionate about helping people be better presenters – and particularly helping people overcome the fear of public speaking. Here's the link: Nancy Duarte interviews Olivia Mitchell.

And here's five more links to great writing on presentation skills:

Even TED speakers get nervous
TED is an elite conference where invited speakers give 18 minute talks on the ideas they're passionate about. In this short post on the TED blog, TED speakers talk about what  it's like to give a TED talk. Main takeway – if you're not nervous , you're not pushing yourself enough – you're playing safe.

What you can learn from Dan Pink
Another of Andrew Dlugan's signature speech critiques (scour his blog for many others). This one features a 2009 TED talk by Dan Pink which is worth listening to in it's own right. Andrew has a wonderful talent for deconstructing a talk and showing us why they work (and occasionally why they don't).

An elegant way of addressing the elephant in the room
Diane DiResta was about to teach a class of young girls when she was told that their school principal had died unexpectedly the day before. How did she handle it?

Jon Thomas's best 20 posts on PowerPoint presentation design
Jon's blog is a fantastic treasure trove of slide design advice and now he's collated a list of his best posts that will help you create visually engaging and effective PowerPoint presentations.

Speaking Perfection is a Myth
This is a recurring rant of mine – and it's well-articulated in this post by Rich Hopkins. If you fall prey to the disease of perfectionism, then you need to read this.

If you've recently read a great article on presentation skills, do leave a link to it in the comments.

Related posts:

  1. Two live presentation events that will enrich your presentations – and your life
  2. The 5 Bad Habits of Experienced Speakers
  3. The first five stages of speaker development

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