lunedì 19 settembre 2011

Why should a CEO pay attention to a screenwriter?

Why should a CEO pay attention to a screenwriter?

I have attended many screen writing classes for fun. Not because I want to be a screen writer, but rather to give me insights and ideas for helping my executive clients deliver better presentations. After all Hollywood knows how to emotionally connect with their audience in a way most executives do not.

The class I have repeated several times is Robert McKee's Story. Also the name of his very good book. Here are a couple of questions from a Harvard Business Review article where they interviewed Mr. McKee.

Why should a CEO or a manager pay attention to a screenwriter?

A big part of a CEO's job is to motivate people to reach certain goals. To do that, he or she must engage their emotions, and the key to their hearts is story. There are two ways to persuade people. The first is by using conventional rhetoric, which is what most executives are trained in. It's an intellectual process, and in the business world it usually consists of a PowerPoint slide presentation in which you say, "Here is our company's biggest challenge, and here is what we need to do to prosper." And you build your case by giving statistics and facts and quotes from authorities. But there are two problems with rhetoric. First, the people you're talking to have their own set of authorities, statistics, and experiences. While you're trying to persuade them, they are arguing with you in their heads. Second, if you do succeed in persuading them, you've done so only on an intellectual basis. That's not good enough, because people are not inspired to act by reason alone.

Essentially, a story expresses how and why life changes.

Patricia Fripp executive speech coach and presentation expert

Patricia Fripp executive speech coach and presentation expert

The other way to persuade people—and ultimately a much more powerful way—is by uniting an idea with an emotion. The best way to do that is by telling a compelling story. In a story, you not only weave a lot of information into the telling but you also arouse your listener's emotions and energy. Persuading with a story is hard. Any intelligent person can sit down and make lists. It takes rationality but little creativity to design an argument using conventional rhetoric. But it demands vivid insight and storytelling skill to present an idea that packs enough emotional power to be memorable. If you can harness imagination and the principles of a well-told story, then you get people rising to their feet amid thunderous applause instead of yawning and ignoring you.

So, what is a story?

Essentially, a story expresses how and why life changes. It begins with a situation in which life is relatively in balance: You come to work day after day, week after week, and everything's fine. You expect it will go on that way. But then there's an event—in screenwriting, we call it the "inciting incident"—that throws life out of balance. You get a new job, or the boss dies of a heart attack, or a big customer threatens to leave. The story goes on to describe how, in an effort to restore balance, the protagonist's subjective expectations crash into an uncooperative objective reality. A good storyteller describes what it's like to deal with these opposing forces, calling on the protagonist to dig deeper, work with scarce resources, make difficult decisions, take action despite risks, and ultimately discover the truth. All great storytellers since the dawn of time—from the ancient Greeks through Shakespeare and up to the present day—have dealt with this fundamental conflict between subjective expectation and cruel reality.

If you need more information on becoming a better story teller check out executive speech coach and keynote speaker Patricia Fripp's CDs and DVDs.

Patricia is the Silicon Valley speech coach of choice to many executives.

Patricia Fripp Silicon Valley executive speech coach

Patricia Fripp Silicon Valley executive speech coach

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