lunedì 5 settembre 2011

Wake Up! It’s Time To Get Real! [Personal]

Wake Up! It's Time To Get Real! [Personal]

"Action is the foundational key to all success." – Pablo Picasso

Do you remember all those goals you set for yourself last year and in the beginning of the year? Maybe you wanted to get in better shape. Maybe you wanted to make more money. Maybe you wanted to start your own business. Maybe you wanted more friends.

But can you honestly tell me that you've made progress towards those goals? Have you been taking action on a daily basis for the entire year to come closer to reaching the goals you set? Probably not… and you've probably given up on the hope that you'll achieve those goals this year. That's why you need to continue reading…

wake up call

I'm no exception. I've set plenty of goals I wanted to achieve this year and although I've made some progress towards them, I'm nowhere near where I want to be. Some people seem to think that because I'm the author of a personal development blog that my life is perfect, that I make no mistakes and that I have everything planned out to the T.

Well, that's not true. I'm just like you and I make mistakes, sometimes costly ones. I know I still have a lot to learn, even though sometimes I let my youthful arrogance and ignorance get the best of me until something or someone gives me a reality check and puts me back in my place.

When you meet me in person I come across rather confident and with high self-esteem (you may even be able to pick up on this through the way in which I write). But just like you, I have my fears and insecurities. I go through ups and downs and sometimes have periods where I face nothing but setbacks and failures which gets me questioning who I am and what I'm doing in this world.

I've learned to see obstacles as a challenge. I'm very comfortable in my own skin and I love being me (simply because I can't be anyone else and there's no point to wishing I was someone else). This allows me to be confident and believe in myself with everything I do, and when I combine that with having faith that everything will turn out as it's meant to be, overall I'm pretty optimistic and excited about life.

The world we live in today is very strange. It's completely different to the world of my parents' generation and I'm facing the same dilemma that 99% of people face:

  1. What am I going to do with my life?
  2. How and where am I going to live?
  3. What do I want to achieve?

In December last year I wrote this post about giving myself 13 months to achieve financial freedom through my own entrepreneurship and creativity online. Today I'm following up on that post with some facts and revised views:

  • I'm 24 years old.
  • I have no debt and I have no degree.
  • I'd say I'm pretty smart and I know how to work hard.
  • I have experience in business and I'm skilled in multiple fields.
  • I have a huge desire for financial freedom and experiencing what the world has to offer.
  • I have loads of energy and I have 100% belief I will succeed in reaching my goals.


What Do I Want From Life?

In order for you to make progress you need to know what you want to achieve.

My current life philosophy is that you only live once. If I'm lucky I'll have 80 years on this earth and then my time is up. Although it'll be necessary at times to do things I don't like in order to survive or get closer to my goals, in general I don't want to spend my precious time doing anything I don't want to do.

Right now I only have a few ideas of what I want to do with my life. I'm not one of those people who has had his entire life planned out from when I was 10 years old. Things have changed so much, and as I grow and learn, my view on what's important in life also changes.

I want to meet lots of interesting people.

There are so many amazing and interesting people and I love interacting with others. It's the best way to learn, to grow and to get much more out of life than I could ever get if I was just on my own.

It's taken me a few years to build the confidence and social skills to be able to make friends with total strangers, and now that I know how to do it I want to take full advantage of those skills.

I want to see the beauty of the world.

I've traveled a reasonable amount in my life so far, but I've only seen a tiny portion of the beauty that the world has to offer.

I want to feel the sand of dozens of beaches between my toes. I want to climb mountains in different countries. I want to swim in oceans and lakes all around the world. I want to see sunsets and sunrises. I want to experience it all. To me, experiencing the world is a great a way to get the most out of life.

I want to make a difference for the good of the world.

I believe that since we're given the gift of life and the resources of our beautiful planet, that everyone should give back to the world and leave it behind in a better way than they found it.

It really hurts me to see how people are destroying and polluting the world. Everything is in abundance, like there is no end to everything. People have 2 cars, 3 houses, 20 pairs of shoes… We could all preserve so many resources if we all worked together.

I want to do something that'll reduce pollution, reduce waste and increase the restoration of the world's vegetation and animal life.

This means that I want to live in a way that makes me happy and makes me feel like I'm really living my life to the fullest. I don't mind working hard, I don't mind working 12 hour days, working on weekends and in my vacation…but I dread the thought of a 9-5 job to trade my time for money.

How Will I Achieve Financial Freedom?

I define financial freedom not as having $1,000,000 in the bank but as having a steady income large enough to easily cover living expenses and still have enough for luxurious things like traveling. My current target would be a steady $5,000 per month.

Money is an important part of being able to live the life I want, so I need to do something to make money. I prefer to make my money in a way that'll allow me to work from anywhere in the world with no boss and no employees. There are only 2 ways that I know of that I can follow to achieve this.

1- Running An Online Business

Without getting into too much detail, I'll tell you that it's possible to make a full time income from running an online business. The beauty of online business (just like with any business) is that once you've built it up to a certain point, it just keeps growing faster and faster.

I'm currently making about $1200 per month from my online business following the very strategies laid out in this free tutorial how to start an online business.

I'm convinced that if I can make $1000 a month I can also make $10,000 a month. Going from $0 to $1000 per month is the most difficult part. I'd be able to maintain this $1000 per month with about 2 hours of work per day so that means that I could always get a day job if I wanted to and still be earning money from my online business month after month on top of a salary.

There are many business models that allow you to make money online ranging from affiliate marketing to selling services to selling your own products (digital or even physical products). However, the best way to build a sustainable steady income is to build an email list with loyal subscribers. The more loyal people you have on your list, the more money you'll be able to make when you help them solve their problems through products, services or coaching.

Many people have the impression that selling things online is sneaky and it's not honest business. That is really far from the truth because there are literally millions of people looking for solutions to their problems on the internet every single day. If you can provide a genuinely helpful solution for a problem that people have, then you've got yourself the foundation of a business. Someone needs a solution for a problem and you can provide that solution at a price. That person gains by solving their problem, and you gain by making money. It's a win-win business model.

My main projects responsible for my income are UpgradeReality (this blog) and the course Cloud Blogging that takes people through 6 detailed modules, covering every aspect of how to build a successful blog (My business partner and I are about to close the doors to Cloud Living so if you still want to get in you need to do so right now).

I am also working on some niche sites that may or may not result in additional passive income over time but I will reveal more about this at some point in the future.

2- Forex Trading

Forex trading is something that's interested me for the last few years. It's something that I've been studying and reading about in whatever free time I have.

What is forex trading?

Forex trading is quite simply the buying and selling of  different currencies to profit from the fluctuations in exchange rates between countries. That may sound very complicated to you right now, but trust me, it's not as complicated as it seems.

Forex trading appeals to me on many levels because not only could it allow me to make a comfortable living, it's a huge challenge for my intellect and discipline. Not only do I need to apply the strategies correctly to the market, I also need to have the discipline to take a loss if my vision is incorrect.

I see forex trading as a way to gain my financial freedom because:

  • It can be done from anywhere in the world with a computer and internet.
  • You have no boss or employees.
  • You choose your own hours to trade, and you can trade whenever you want.
  • The income potential is unlimited.
  • You don't need a degree on any finance qualifications to start.

Although I've read many books about forex trading and I've traded many demo accounts with virtual money over the last few years, I've never really gotten around to opening a real money account but I'm in the process of opening one.

Even though theoretically there is no difference between trading with real or fake money, there's actually a huge difference. The possibility of losing your own hard-earned money adds a dimension of emotion (fear) to your trading decisions which can easily cloud your judgement and make it much more difficult to make profitable trades.

Over the next few weeks I'll be publishing articles and tutorials about forex trading and I'll show you exactly what the forex markets are all about, how to make profitable trades and how to get started with online forex trading.

It's Time To Get REAL

I found this incredibly inspiring video and it's a perfect match for the theme of this article:

(Click here if you can't see the above video)

This article serves as a wake-up call not only to you, but to myself as well. I know what I want to achieve, and I'm tired of messing about and not making real progress towards my goals.

I remember last Christmas like it was yesterday, and yet 8 months have gone by already. Time really does fly, and life is too short not to live it how you really want to be living it.

Let's inspire each other to really go out there and kick some ass. Let's take serious action to achieve our goals, and let's push hard towards it for the next couple of months.

I'll be posting my experiences and experiments on this blog a whole lot more so that you can follow my journey towards building up a steady monthly income, traveling the world (I'm planning a 2-3 month trip starting in November) and meeting loads of interesting people.

You can do me a huge favor by sharing my posts with your friends, and telling your friends about


P.S. I'm aware of the fact that I switch between many different topics. The topics of the articles I publish here on UpgradeReality depends on what what's currently going on in my life and also on the requests and feedback I get from you (the readers). The more feedback you give me, the more I can help you and write about the topics that you want to learn more about.

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